Justice is the key of life..

Justice is the key of life..

Monday, January 31, 2011

jangan CURANG!

Aku percaya pada satu kata pepatah, "What goes around comes around".

What does that mean?

To me, in life, if you don't want something to happen to you, I mean, the bad thing, so, avoid doing bad thing to others as I do believe, if you do something, with the intention to create chaos or even with slightest hope that by doing so, you can actually hurt the other side/part, those things will actually come back to you.

Dalam hidup ni, kalau kita buat jahat,kita akan dapat balik and kalau kita buat baik, kita akan dapat baik.

Sesetengah orang, pemikiran diorang singkat. I mean, they do not learn from mistake. They kept making the silly mistakes again and again until bila benda tu dah jadi asam garam dalam hidup diorang, people around them rasa meluat plus menyampah tahap beruk nak nasihatkan diorang balik. The worst part is that, bila you create that problem, if that thing tak affect people's heart or emotion, maybe aku boleh, pass je benda tue as it doesn't create problem, right? But, bila that thing is about others, kau lukakan hati orang and still orang boleh terima kau, and again, you broke their heart, apahal kau?

This is what I said earlier. Think. Sesetengah orang macam tak fikir. What is the thing yang kau nak dalam hidup kau? Ask this to your self. And don't forget to ask for the answer. Fikir. Apa kau nak dalam hidup kau? By lukakan hati orang yang kau sayang, by leaving them, musnahkan cinta kau and worstly, kau cari orang lain by saying that, kau takde hati dekat orang tu..Boleh tak, please, kalau dah takde hati, tell that person, I tak suka U dah. That's bad. Emm..how about, I don't think that my feeling is the same as before to u. I do think that, u should give me time to reconsider this, I mean our relationship and after that, I hope u accept whatever decision I have made. That's it. No more lies, no more belit-belit. Just straight to the point.

Aku bukan kata yang aku hebat, or aku perfect. NO. I am just saying that, no more lies please. Aku tak nak sesiapa je yang ada around me to do this. Aku tak nak. It was just aku rasa macam, it is bad kalau kau pasang dua tiga, kau mainkan hati orang sebab ini hati orang weh, bukan hati katak ke beruk ke, TAK. Hati manusia yang sangat mudah tersentuh. Tak baik buat macam tu. Kalau agak kau nak curang, kau fikir balik dua tiga kali. First, apa kau rasa kalau orang yang kau sayang, curang dengan kau? Second, apa kau rasa kalau adik,kakak,abang atau family members kau dicurangi oleh orang yang diorang sayang?


Aku tak boleh nak kata apa-apa. Manusia. Even me myself pun bila orang tegur, boleh tersentap gak weh kan? Tapi, belajarlah dari kesilapan. Takde ruginya pun kau setia pada yang satu and belajar berterus-terang as in life, semua yang kau buat, ada pro's and con's, but believe me, ia berbaloi. To u and to me too..

p/s:Semat dalam diri, "I will love you and only you ,ALLAH".

1 comment:

  1. sangat marah bila manusia suka buat sesuka hati.tahan sikit nafsu dan belajar setia.-.-
